Ride Green with Lime

Transportation is the world’s largest source of climate disrupting greenhouse gas emissions, contributing approximately 25% of global CO2. To address climate change, and make cities healthier and more livable, we need to revolutionize urban transportation toward a shared, electric, and carbon free future. Electric shared micromobility can be among the most sustainable modes in the world, with the potential to replace all car trips under 5 miles. That’s our goal.

The Green Option

Lime is driving the transformation to create people-first cities that are healthier, more equitable, and carbon free.


Our Commitments

Carbon negative by 2025

Lime is committed to be carbon negative by 2025 across the entire company and supply chain and to meeting a rigorous science-based carbon target consistent with the Paris Agreement of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. This includes reducing carbon across

Getting People out of Cars

Our riders have taken more than 200 million rides. One in four scooter trips globally replace a car trip. By preventing more than 50 million car trips so far, our riders have prevented more than 17,000+ tons of carbon emissions worldwide.

Reducing our environmental impact

Our riders have taken more than 200 million rides. One in four scooter trips globally replace a car trip. By preventing more than 50 million car trips so far, our riders have prevented more than 17,000+ tons of carbon emissions worldwide.

Designing our scooter that last

Early generations of e-scooters simply didn’t last long enough. Our most recent models are designed to be modular and repairable, keeping scooters and their parts on the road longer.

Zero Emissions Operation Fleet

We are transforming our local operations globally to rely only on zero-emission vehicles and cargo bikes. We’ll be fully electric across Europe in 2021 and we will aggressively phase out our existing leased vehicles by 2023 at the latest in the remaining cities we serve.

100% Renewable Energy

Lime was the first micromobility provider to use renewable energy to power our e-scooters and e-bikes worldwide. We’re now 100% renewable powered in all our warehouses and offices as well.

Lime & WWF

The world’s leading conservation and climate advocacy organization and largest micromobility provider are joining forces for healthier cities in the fight against climate change. Our global initiative includes education to promote cleaner modes of transportation and grassroots advocacy to advance more sustainable urban mobility. WWF is the global leader in conservation and climate advocacy and is a member of the Science Based Targets Initiative, alongside the World Resources Institute and the UN Global Compact.


Our Goals

100% Renewable

We use 100% renewable energy for charging all Lime e-bikes and scooters, and powering offices and warehouses. Our commitment includes expanding the local renewable energy we use in the markets we serve. We are also aggressively transitioning to clean, electric operations vehicles for managing our fleet.

Carbon Negative

We will be net carbon negative for the company, service and entire value chain (Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions) with the majority of our emissions reduced or neutralized by 2025 aligned with our commitment to a science-based target and the stringent SBTi requirements on our path to our 2030 goal.

Before 2030
Net Zero

We will be net zero consistent with a rigorous science-based target and the Paris Climate Agreement’s goal of limiting warming to 1.5C.

Lime's Science Based Target Validated by SBTi

Lime commits to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 50% by 2030 from a 2019 base year.

Lime commits to reduce scope 3 GHG emissions from upstream transportation and distribution 82% per rider km over the same timeframe.

Lime commits that 80% of its suppliers by emissions covering purchased goods and services and capital goods will have science-based targets by 2026.

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