与 Lime 同行,回馈社会

我们以全球经验为借鉴,以倾力关注为本心,务求满足 Lime 所在城市和社区的独特需求。

Lime Hero 是我们的社区赋权计划,允许驾驶者匯总骑行费用,以支援当地城市的社区组织。透过与超过 115 个城市的 50 多个组织携手合作,令 Lime Hero 的驾驶者每骑行一次都可为改善社区献出一分力。超过 85,000 名 Lime Hero 驾驶者,已帮助非营利组织筹集超过 26 万美元,为提供清洁空气、安全街道、青年和社区规划、无家可归者的服务等。

当你加入 Lime Hero 后,你每次骑行的费用將会被四捨五入为最接近的当地货幣,差额將会捐赠给当地的慈善合作伙伴。点击 Lime App 选单中的「捐赠」按钮,即可化身 Lime Hero。

Small donations, big impact

The average donation is just 0.27 cents. But over time these donations make a big impact for our partners. To date, Lime Hero has raised more than $260,000 (converted to USD) for charities and nonprofit organizations around the world.

With our support, organizations like The Felix Project have been able to further their mission to end hunger in London. In California, our partners at The Los Angeles Bicycle Coalition continue to work diligently to advocate for safer streets for bicyclists. By joining the Lime Hero program, you can make an important difference in your community.

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